The wicked witch finally got some new shoes, but no dress to go with! OOPS! (click for bigger view) Sorry, serious attempts at illustrating FASHION will come soon. Now, I'm just fucking around.
Hey! Welcome to my little corner of the fashion blogosphere. Here, you'll find my fashion illustrations/sketches and posts featuring fashion-related sites that are unusual and deserve some love/attention. I'm a senior liberal arts college student transitioning into the fashion industry, and this blog is a great way for me to become a better artist and share my work (which is always open to critiques). It also allows me to share some wonderful, interesting things people won't easily find in the mainstream. I call this blog Random Fashion Journey because my posts tend to be spontaneous and therefore a tad random. Feel free to contact me at
I link to the sites I source my images from. So, please don't use the illustrations I've drawn or the photographs I've taken without giving me credit. Thank You.