I just wanna hold a bird in my hand
I saw this clutch on the White House Black Market website and I liked it. But, I wanted MORE feathers! I wanted to hold an entire ornate bird in my hand!
I had some time to kill, so I opened up Gimp and played around, making the design of the purse increasingly elaborate. Here's the result:
I wasn't entirely sure what feathers these would be (haha) and in the end, I don't know if they look very feather-like...but I just knew I wanted to sketch something ornate and Golden Age of Hollywoodesque. I'm fairly happy with the result; for once Gimp wasn't being a total bitch (it doesn't run well on Macs, and the version I have is definitely wonky). Clicking on the thumbnail will take you to a slightly larger picture. I'm still working on figuring out how to post larger sized pics on blogger.